How to Flip Websites for Cash

22 Min Read

Flipping websites could be your calling if you’re searching for an entertaining and original approach to generate money online. Everything you need to know to flip websites for cash from home is right here.

The practice of purchasing and reselling websites for a profit is known as website flipping. It has various benefits and might be a terrific way to make money online.

To start with, they can generate income for you as you expand them. Additionally, there is no requirement to invest in people or goods, unlike other commercial endeavors. Flipping websites is a flexible side gig that may be done part-time and gives flexibility. You can get a big return on investment because websites can be sold fast and for a high price!

Thus, if you’re searching for an internet income stream, it can be worthwhile to launch your own website flipping company. This is a summary of the various methods for website flipping, how to make your website more valuable, and how to sell your website when you’re ready to make a profit.


Two Ways Website Flipping May Earn You Money

Website flipping may be done in two main ways: either by creating andAcquisition and Trade of Current Websitesng and rConstructing and Marketing New WebsitesBuying and Selling Existing Websites

Purchasing an already-built website, making changes, and then reselling it for a profit is the first method.

This kind of website flipping may be quite lucrative; the more visitors and money your website brings in, the more you can charge for its sale. Generally speaking, you can use this strategy to earn approximately 25–35 times the site’s monthly income.

As an illustration, suppose you spend $4,000 on a website that generates $150 a month in revenue via affiliate sales and advertisements. If you develop that website for three to four months and it generates $1,000 a month, you could sell it for thirty thousand dollars!

But purchasing and selling websites in this manner usually entails a large initial outlay of funds, and it is not risk-free. For example, if a significant portion of the $1,000 the website is making comes from affiliate sales, and that affiliate program ends just as you are ready to sell, you would essentially start again. Because of this, it’s critical to diversify your revenue streams as much as you can.

Building and Selling New Websites

Building brand-new websites from the ground up and selling them is the alternative strategy to website flipping. The biggest benefit of this strategy is that it requires less money up front—you can start a new WordPress website and purchase a domain for well under $100.

On the other hand, a newly launched website may require much more time to generate traffic. This is due to the fact that building your domain authority—which establishes the degree of Google trust—takes time. In actuality, it can take six to twelve months for Google to begin ranking your content!

However, there is a market for “starter websites,” or websites that are not yet profitable. These will not yield as much profit, but they can be turned around more quickly. Typically, starter sites go between $700–2,000. You can earn thousands of dollars a month if you can fast turn around many starting sites!

How to Profitably Flip Websites

Here are the next steps to get you started once you’ve chosen your strategy.

Identify the Niche

You must choose a lucrative niche or market to target whether you build a new website from scratch or buy an already-existing one. Choosing a trendy niche with less competition for your keywords is ideal.

Though there are countless other niches to pick from, a sub-niche in personal finance or health is typically a good idea. Doing a long-tail keyword search in the niche you are thinking about is a fantastic method to conduct market research.

Phrases with three or more words are known as long-tail keywords. Although they are simpler to rank for, they typically have smaller search volumes. To find long-tail keyword ideas and check the volume of searches for specific terms, you can utilize an inexpensive service such as terms Everywhere. Next, you may determine the domain authority of websites ranking for those keywords by using the free Moz extension.

For instance, if you’re considering launching a travel blog, you may look up “best travel destinations” on Google and see that all of the top results have domain authorities of at least 80. It will therefore be difficult to rank certain keywords naturally.

However, if you conduct a more focused search, such as “where to travel with a toddler,” you’ll see that the top results have significantly lower domain authorities, indicating that it would be simpler to rank for that particular keyword phrase.

This step is less crucial if you intend to build a starting website to sell since you will be making sales before the website receives a lot of traffic or income.

Search for a Website or Domain Name

A solid domain name is essential when launching a new website. A domain name that is both memorable and pertinent to your industry is great.

You can look for domain names that are available for less than $20 by using a tool like Bluehost or GoDaddy. A domain ending in “.com” is the easiest to remember and gives the impression that your website is more trustworthy to potential customers.

If you’re wanting to purchase an already-existing website, Flippa, Empire Flippers, Motion Invest, Niche Investor, and Quiet Light are good places to look (More about these websites later!).

Since Empire Flippers exclusiFlippaealsFlippers EmpireitesMove Invests are typically higher. For those who are new to flipping, Flippa offerspecialized investorof websites with lesser stakes that cater to all budgets.

Examine the amount ofCalm Lighthe revenue from the previous three months, the monetization strategy, and the site’s operating expenses carefully when assessing a website that is for sale. These elements might assist you in assessing the growth potential of a website.

Let’s say, for instance, that you come across a website for sale that only makes $1,000 a month from affiliate links. Given that running advertisements and enhancing SEO could boost revenue, it might be a good fit.

However, you also need to be alert for warning signs. For example, if the website’s traffic or revenue has dropped down sharply in the last few months, it may be a sign that the website won’t make nearly as much as its valuation indicates. Additionally, steer clear of websites that develop backlinks through private blog networks (PBNs) as these could be punished by Google.

Organize Hosting

Setting up hosting for your website is the next task you must complete. The files on your website are kept and accessed by visitors in the hosting area.

There are numerous web host providers to select from, such as BigScoots and Bluehost. Choose the finest option for your demands and budget after doing some research on a few.

Set up WordPress

Installing WordPress is the next step when launching a new website. Creating and maintaining a website is simple with WordPress, a content management system. Because WordPress is so adaptable and perfect for SEO, the majority of professional bloggers use it.

Although websites created on other platforms, such as Squarespace or Wix, can be flipped, it might be challenging to locate purchasers.

The majority of hosting providers offer WordPress with a one-click install feature, making setup simple.

Verify sure the website is based on WordPress and not another platform if you are purchasing an already-existing one.

WPBeginner offers a tonne of excellent free courses to get you started if you need to learn WordPress.

Select a Topic 

After installing WordPress, the next step is to select a theme for your website. A theme serves as a blueprint for the look and feel of your website.

Both premium and free themes are widely available. You can find some good free themes if money is scarce. However, it’s worthwhile to spend a few bucks on a premium theme if you want your website to look more polished.

Genesis, Elegant Themes, and Kadence are a few well-known theme stores.

Incorporate Plugins

Plugins enhance the functionality of your WordPress website, much like apps do. Plugins for SEO, security, forms, contact pages, and social media integration, for instance, are available.

Try not to add too many plugins, as this can cause the site to load slowly.

Rank Math (search engine optimization), Antispam Bee (spam filter), UpdraftPlus (backup), Google Analytics (statistic measurement), and WP Rocket (optimization) are a few excellent plugins to get started with.

You absolutely must set up Google Analytics since prospective customers will want to see the statistics from your website.

Develop the Content

It’s time to get started on your website’s blog content. You will be spending most of your time here.

Make sure your material is informative, well-written, and full of keywords. You’ll have success building a website if you can accomplish all three of those tasks. Your revenues increase with the amount of high-quality material you have on your website.

To assist with keyword research, make use of programs such as Ahrefs, Semrush, or Google Keyword Planner.

After compiling a list of keywords, you can begin penning articles pertaining to those subjects. Make sure your content is long-form, with at least 1,500 words.

In order to visually enhance your articles and break up the content, you must also use photographs, videos, and infographics.

Some Advice for Raising Your Website’s Value

After your website is operational, you should consider how to add value to it in order to optimize your revenue.

To help you get started, consider a few best practices.

Make Your Content Search Engine Friendly

If you want your website to naturally rank on Google, search engine optimization is essential. The finest sort of traffic is free traffic from Google since it is the most long-lasting and requires no outlay of funds to produce.

On-page and off-page SEO are the two forms of SEO that can raise your website’s Google Search ranking. Any steps you take to make your website more search engine friendly, such selecting the appropriate keywords and providing alt text for images, are included in on-page SEO.

By increasing the domain authority of your website, off-page SEO entails creating links that point back to it. The most common ways to get backlinks are through guest posting and outreach initiatives.

Moz offers a comprehensive learning center where you can improve your grasp of SEO for free if you need assistance with your SEO strategy. Check out their SEO beginner’s guide in particular.

Boost Website Performance

Make sure the page loads quickly because Google uses site performance as one of its ranking factors. A website that loads slowly will have a high bounce rate, which will affect views and sales.

While there are many ways to speed up your website, employing a content delivery network like Cloudflare, optimizing your graphics, and using a caching plugin are some of the simplest and most efficient solutions.

Create a List of Emails

Email marketing is a fantastic tool that raises the worth of your website since it’s one of the best ways to drive sales.

It’s not too difficult to create an email list. To allow people to sign up to receive your emails, set up an opt-in form on your website and sign up with a service such as ConvertKit or Constant Contact. After you’ve created a list of subscribers, begin providing them with insightful content relevant to your niche as well as frequent updates about your websites. If you can demonstrate that your email list has a good open rate, you could be able to receive more for your website.

Vary Your Approaches to Monetization

Use as many of the various methods available to monetize your website as you can. You will generate a more consistent flow of income in addition to raising the website’s value.

Among the most widely used strategies for monetizing are:

  • Using Raptive, Mediavine, or Google AdSense for display advertising
  • Affiliate marketing with ShareASale, Commission Junction, and Amazon Associates
  • Digital goods include printables, online courses, and eBooks.
  • tangible goods like posters, mugs, and T-shirts

woman building a website on her computer in her home office

Where to Offer Your Website for Sale

When you’ve completed the aforementioned tasks and enhanced your website’s worth, it’s time to sell it. Where and how you sell it will determine how much money you may make from your website. The best places to post your website for sale are listed here.


Among the many features that Flippa provides is an auction-style marketplace that allows potential customers to bid on your website. They also have an in-browser application where you can use it to acquire a free site appraisal.

All you have to do to get an estimate of the value of your website is to provide them with some information about your traffic, income, expenses, and other specifics. With a $29 basic listing charge, you have three months to sell your website. Flippa is an excellent platform for novices to sell their first websites that aren’t making any money yet.

Additionally, Flippa provides a free 45-minute introductory course on buying and selling websites, which covers all the necessary information.

Empire Flippers

Thousands of people have benefited from the services of website broker Empire Flippers, which helps them buy and sell everything from big eCommerce sites to tiny lifestyle blogs. You can only sell your website here if it brings in more than $2,000 a month, as they do not sell websites that do not earn income.

However, they have a 95% sell rate, so you can be sure that if they list your site, it will sell! They will take up to 15% of the transaction, contingent on the selling price, but there are no listing fees.

Motion Invest

With a free valuation tool and an average selling multiplier of 36x, Motion Invest is an excellent platform for sellers as well. Their primary focus is on content websites that generate revenue via the use of display advertisements and affiliate links.

They accept sites with monthly incomes as low as $20 and have a minimal admission hurdle. They might also offer to acquire your website outright, which would save you money and has the potential to accelerate sales. A direct offer’s disadvantage is that it is usually less expensive than a marketplace offer. For marketplace offers, there is also no listing charge; however, a portion of the proceeds from sales on the site will be retained by them.

Niche Investor

Niche Sites: Beauty, blogging, education, fashion, food, finance, health, wellness, lifestyle, business, travel, and more are among the many niche markets that Nicher Investor purchases and sells! They provide two ways to sell: buying the website outright or offering it on their marketplace. They take both new and well-established websites.

You will be charged a $25 listing fee when you put your website on their marketplace, and you will also be charged a success fee based on the sale price if your website sells:

  • Over $700,001 = 5% success fee
  • $10,001–$700,000 = success fee of 10%
  • $50,001–$100,000 = 15% of the fee for success
  • Less than $50,000 = 20% success fee

This option provides you with a dedicated agent who will assist you with selling your website. They also take care of managing escrows.

A valuation is provided by Niche Investor when they buy your website outright. It takes into account your revenue from the previous year, expenses, the presence of social media profiles, email subscribers, and more.

Quiet Light

As a website broker, Quiet Light purchases and sells membership, SaaS, e-commerce, content, and Amazon FBA companies. An initial valuation call, a thorough client interview, listing publication, and locating the ideal buyer for your website are all part of their three-step process. Eighty-five percent of their postings sell in ninety days or fewer, according to their website. To find out how much your website might be worth, you can obtain a free website appraisal. WebsiteFlip claims that Quiet Light levies a 10% brokerage fee on websites under $1 million in value. As the cost of the website increases, this fee decreases.

In conclusion: Launching a Repositioning Company

Digital real estate can be a fantastic side gig or full-time company, depending on whether you want to invest in established websites for a higher profit or sell beginning sites for a thousand dollars. It offers a limitless potential for profit, but patience is required. Although SEO is a long-term endeavor, success is possible if you’re prepared to work hard and provide excellent content.

A few fundamental abilities are needed for website flipping, but the benefit is that you can pick them up along the way. Because the internet is always changing, make sure you keep up with the finest SEO and online practices.

You can become a profitable website flipper with a little effort and practice. Your ability to sell websites and earn money online will increase with practice.

Are you prepared to start a website from scratch? You can follow this detailed tutorial to help you through the procedure.


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