How to Write a Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide (Free Template)

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Any new business idea must understand how to create a business strategy. Regretfully, not every one of us receives this instruction in school.

It takes art to write a compelling business strategy. It entails succinctly summarizing one’s abilities and industry expertise in a single paper.

Fortunately, there’s no need to start from scratch.

I have prepared a succinct template that will enable you to draft the best business plan, regardless of your level of industry knowledge.

We all start from the same position, whether we are launching our first small firm or have been workshopping businesses for decades.

An incredible business proposal!

Are you prepared to jump to the best parts? Get started on your success planning by using my free business plan template. Nevertheless, I strongly advise you to continue reading for comprehensive guidance at every turn.

A woman working from home on a business plan, and writing in a notebook.

How Is a Business Plan Needed?

I understand that you want to get started right away. However, a little preparation never goes wrong. A strong business plan is, in fact, one of the most important components of a successful career.

You may focus on company goals, make informed business decisions, and assess the viability of your venture with the aid of a thorough strategy.

Gaining finance, possible investors, loans, grants, and other financial advantages are additional financial advantages of learning how to draft a business plan.

A company plan, which includes growth forecasts, performance standards, and potential strategy weaknesses, is a great resource to consult again.

Making a business plan is a great idea since it will evolve with you and become a living document that contains everything you have and want to achieve.

Qualities of an Excellent Business Plan

Apart from following formatting guidelines, a noteworthy business plan should have the following particular components:

  • Compose with clear, simple language without extraneous details.
  • Incorporate all pertinent documents, exhibiting a meticulous approach and a thoroughly considered company plan.
  • Use research and projections to show that you have a clear understanding of the market.
  • Provide a mission statement and a distinctive value proposition that set your company apart from the competition.

11 Steps to a Successful Business Plan Writing Process

Are you prepared to start writing? This straightforward, 11-step procedure can help entrepreneurs turn their business ideas into reality.

Be aware that personal planning is the intended use of this business plan structure. Before it is distributed to possible investors, some formatting adjustments are required (more on that later!).

1. Determine Your Monthly Income Objective

Set your monthly revenue target first.

Though it may seem straightforward, practically every choice you make going forward will be influenced by this objective.

A glimpse into long-term success will be provided by this short-term objective for you and possible investors.

2. Explain your business’s goals.

Write a brief piece after that outlining your company’s vision. This is sometimes referred to as a unique value proposition, or UVP.

  • This is where your proposal’s “what” goes. What are your company’s fundamentals? What do you offer for sale? What are you hoping to achieve?
  • A goal statement, or the “why” behind your company that sets it apart from the competitors, might also be included in this.

3. Give your company a name.

This is the part of developing a business plan that will either be the simplest or the hardest. Initial perceptions are crucial. And your company name will serve as your everlasting first impression!

  • Select a name for your company that most accurately conveys who you are and your long-term objectives.
  • Verify whether the domain is available and whether any trademarks are already in use.

For advice on choosing a name for your company, read this article.

Next, create a short- and long-term brand company structure. How will you manage your company?

  • The most basic type of business organization, wherein a single person operates as the business
  • A partnership is an organization run by two or more individuals who share common business duties.
  • The reason an LLC is called a “limited liability company” is that its members are shielded from personal liability related to the firm.
  • Corporations: Apart from their individual members, companies are legal entities that are subject to stricter regulations and taxes, but they also have stronger personal asset protection.

Examine the certifications. 

Different levels of qualification are needed to run a firm in every industry. Explain, if necessary:

  • Permits
  • Licenses
  • Protection
  • and every other credential!

6. Take Payment Options into Account

The days of paying with cash are long gone. Almost all transactions in modern times are digital.

Nevertheless, a wide variety of payment options remain available. Think about one or more of the following:

  • Money orders, cash, or credit card
  • safe online purchases
  • PayPal or another application for payments
  • third parties, such as Shopify or Etsy

7. Product Costs and Monitoring

Having a comprehensive, user-friendly method for tracking payments before launching a new firm will save you a ton of time come tax season. It’s also an essential phase in financial plan tracking and forecasting.

During this phase of “writing a business plan,” take into account:

  • How do you want to monitor your accounting?
  • The cost of your goods and services

8. Determine what permits are needed.

Depending on your sector and business structure, you might require any combination of the following:

  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • or permits to operate your company.

Provide evidence of getting any required permits in your formal business plan.


9. Determine Whether You Require a Business Address or Phone

Certain businesses require PO boxes or business numbers.

PO boxes are utilized, for instance, in product returns. By using this, business members can benefit from a degree of protection and privacy that they would not get by using their residential addresses.

PO boxes are sometimes more efficient than a physical address because they are also very controlled and dependable.

Comparable anonymity is provided by business phone lines, which let clients contact customer service representatives directly during business hours.

Since some clients are unable to receive internet support, a business number enables accessibility.

10. Take Marketing Strategies Into Account

Starting out, new business owners ought to think about a marketing strategy. The secret to the success of any new business is marketing.

Create a concise marketing plan that includes:

  • Market analysis plus industry trends
  • Customer segments plus the target market
  • rivals in the industry plus positioning
  • The use of social media, email marketing, sponsored commercials, and cold calling as advertising techniques
  • Digital marketing strategy combined with social media presence
  • Key performance andndicators plus marketing objectives

11. Select Your Platform

Choose the platform that will serve as your company’s mainstay last.

Even if a single business endeavor may yield a variety of earnings, you will need to select a single platform for your main website.

Well-liked choices for websites include:

  • WordPress for writing blogs
  • Patron (subscription)
  • Podia (membership, blogging, and course sales)
  • Shopify (online store)
  • Wix (personal website and blogging)

Different degrees of online assistance and customization options are provided by each platform. While some demand only some coding skills, others are highly user-friendly.

Select the platform that best fits your needs for customization and your capabilities.

How a Formal Business Plan Is Formatted

Although you can use my free business plan template to get started, please note that this is just for personal use.

A business plan should have a slightly more professional text when it is sent to possible investors. This is how you do it:

  • Make a document with all of the necessary information listed above.
  • Present every piece of content as a projection or a statement.
  • Remove or modify material created just for you.

Format Requirements 

Conventional company plans adhere to a predetermined format. Fortunately, the legwork has already been completed by you!

Simply incorporate the following into your workshopped content:

  1. Cover page: A simple cover page that includes your name, the name of your company, a suggested logo, and your contact details to represent your brand
  2. Table of contents: Provides a navigational aid by listing all sections and attached documents.
  3. Executive summary: This is a succinct, comprehensive synopsis of your business plan that includes important opportunity and strategy components.
  4. Provide an overview of your company and explain the “what” and “why” of your business plan.
  5. Provide a thorough analysis of the market, taking into account growth prospects, trends, and target audiences.
  6. Ownership and legal frameworks in a business
  7. Goods and services provided: describing your product and how it closes a market gap
  8. Complete marketing plan, including budget, advertising tactics, and price
  9. investment request: amount sought, kind of investment (debt or equity), and financial goals for the future
  10. Financial projections: For the next five years, provide financial forecasts in the form of balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and spending budgets.
  11. Appendix: All further required documentation, including contracts, industry expert references, and marketing data analysis

Further Information about Business Plan Writing

Creating a business plan is a chance to investigate the potential of your future venture, so it doesn’t have to be intimidating.

Instead of becoming lost in business jargon, tackle your business plan by following these easy steps.

To get started, download my free business plan template. See all of our entries on how to establish a business if you’re seeking for further resources.


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